

142 Uppsatser om Postponement of tax payment - Sida 1 av 10

Rättssäkerhet och anstånd med betalning av skatt : En analys av 17 kap. 2 § p. 2-3 Skattebetalningslagen ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether legal rights are upheld when wording and applying the postponement of payment of tax regulations of chapter 17 section 2 p. 2-3 of the payment of Tax Act. We also investigate how the wording of the regulations relate to the requirement of legal security.It has been questioned if the regulations concerning postponement of payment of tax are compatible with the requirement of legal security. Of course does not a taxpayer want to pay tax that he or she consider incorrect, and that has not been under trial by an impartial authority. If the request for postponement of payment of tax is rejected, the consequences for the taxpayer can lead to huge financial losses.

Kontokortsbaserade betalningssystem på Internet

Internationally most Internet trade related payments are performed with the use of a credit card based payment system on the Internet. Payment against invoice is still most common when trading over the Internet in Sweden. The security development, comfort and timesaving indicate that credit card based payment systems on the Internet soon will have a breakthrough in Sweden as well. The Swedish legislation concerning payment is neither especially extensive nor suited to electronic payments but to payments performed with notes and coins. When the legal effects, of a payment performed with a credit card based payment system on the Internet, set in is not fixed.

Betalningssätt via webben : En studie om konsumenters ansedda kunskap angående olika betalningssätt via webben och deras säkerhet

The e-commerce in Sweden has increased each year for the past several years, but still just over half of all the consumers feels worry about payment security. This could be the reason why over half of the consumers just shopped about one time on the Internet during the whole year of 2009. Another reason could be that the many consumers have a lack of trust to the different payment methods that are available during payment on the Internet, because they might don't possess enough knowledge regarding the payment methods and their security. If the consumers were to gain more knowledge about the payment methods and their security, it may lead to that the they would feel more comfortable when shopping online, and do it more frequently. It is this that will be investigated in this paper.The purpose of the paper  is to research if consumers believed knowledge concerning the different payment methods available on the web and their security influence the consumers trust in the payment methods.

Betalningsmedel & dess risker

Today you can pay in many different ways. You can for instance use cash, credit cards, internet and now even with your mobile phone. Today we can also see new types of technical payment solutions being developed, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), mobile banking or through the use of QR-codes. We have today many different payment methods; therefore it?s interesting to see which payment method people prefer the most.

Betalsystem på webben för utvecklaren

Rapporten tar upp och behandlar ämnet betalväxlar utifrån en utvecklares perspektiv. Två företag som varit i eller nära inpå processen att utveckla en webbshop har intervjuats och jämförts med utbudet hos ett antal olika betalväxlar. Intervjuerna har visat ett resultat som är mycket troligt att man som ny utvecklare kommer i kontakt med i början. Positionen kan då vara både som utvecklare eller som ägare till webbshoppen. Det gick även att konstatera att det fanns ett antal betalväxlar lämpade för olika kunskapsnivåer.

Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer

Aim: Banks? settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers? payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users? attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments.Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design.

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

Kriterier för säkra betaltjänster på nätet

This report has a purpose to identify the payment methods available for e-commerce, tosee if they fulfill certain requirements. By investigating thirty of the most popular webshops, a few primary services have been found and revised. Security requirements fore-payment systems include authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality.Other requirements considered to be important are usability, flexibility, affordability,reliability, availability, speed of transaction and interoperability. Advantages and disadvantageshave been identified to see if the services fulfill the requirements. Also surveysof consumer payment habits have been investigated to identify the factors of decisive importanceto the usage of payment services.

Kreditbedömning : Betalningsanmärkningars påverkan på kreditvärdighet

Credits are considered as a natural financing form for all types of companies. The financial market in Sweden is dominated by four banks and the credit appraisals that are done by these banks are partly based on credit reports from external companies. This thesis? purpose is to increase the knowledge of which the consequences of payment remarks can imply for companies in relation to the banks. A qualitative study has been done to relay to the purpose, through the means of interviews with four companies, four banks, one rating institute and a collecting agency.

Betalningsförmedling enligt svensk och tysk rätt

A majority of the payments that are carried out today are executed through the electronic payment systems. Payments that are executed through these systems are administrated by payment service providers, these providers are, in general, banks. In spite of the socio-economic importance of payments and payment intermediation, there is an uncertainty regarding the legal status of payments and payment intermediation. Some describe payment intermediation as transport of means of payments, while some describe it in terms of claims and intermediation of information. There is, in other words, a need for clarification.

Mer värde i mobilen och mindre i plånboken - En fallstudie av mobila betalningslösningars genomslag i Sverige

This thesis presents the question of a possible breakthrough for mobile payment solutions in Sweden. The way payments are made and the way cash is being used in the society is changing. To be accepted as an alternative method, if cash isn't king anymore, the new technology will have to acquire user acceptance. In this thesis a case study of Swish, a mobile payment solution for P2P-payments, is presented. The focus of the study is customer value and technology acceptance of the service.

Kända Varumärke - Större, Starkare, Säkrare

In todays high-technological society where the Internet plays a central role in our day-to-day life, many e-retailers are not able to attract customers to complete a transaction on their website. In order to succeed, many e-commerce sites must improve several safety aspects regarding online payment, in order to be perceived as a reliable and secured retailer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if increment in various combinations and aspects in online payment will in fact improve the customer's perception of the e-retailer and result in completed transactions. In order to investigate this aspect, an experiment was conducted to be able to compare eight independent groups, that each had been exposed to a different security scenario on the online payment website of either a known or unknown retailer. Our results clearly prove that perceived security of the retailer's payment website increases willingness to purchase from the retailer.

Fakturahantering företag till företag : En studie kring två olika tillvägagångssätt (Post&PDF)

Att fakturera är något som alla företag måste göra för att tjäna pengar. Fakturering kan ske på flera olika sätt och det finns olika åsikter vad som är att föredra bland företag när det handlar om hantering av fakturor. Teorin menar på att använda sig av elektroniska faktureringssätt är mer effektivt än fakturering via traditionell post. Syftet med denna forskning var att ta reda på varför företag i Sverige år 2015 väljer att skicka, mottaga och hantera fakturor med post när det finns alternativa metoder som PDF via mail och vad det är som gör att företag inte byter från det ena förhållningssättet till det andra..

Energieffektivisering i offentliga byggnader : Jämförelse i elanvändning för ventilation med olika luftflödesstyrsystem

I got interested in this subject when I came in contact with Västtrafiks new paymentsystem myself during my visits in Gothenburg. I suspected problems with the informationmaterial regarding it and others seemed to share my opinion that the payment system wasdiffcult to understand. When I contacted Västtrafik and asked them about the paymentsystem they confirmed that some understanding diffculties had occurred. With thatconfirmation I decided to make it my project to look in to the matter.Some methods were used to identify the problems. The methods could again confirm thatthere were some problems with the payment system and that the information material wasa vital reason.

Elecronic Wallet - Utveckling av en digital plånbok sett ur ett användarperspektiv

This essay is a product of our examination work on candidate level in Interaction Design. The aim in this project was to design a digital wallet integrated into a cellular phone and make it as an electronic payment tool. In our project the goal has been to create a digital wallet not just for payment, but also develop it into a complete digital wallet, replacing visa, membership card, student cards, id card and receipt. Our ambition is to take care of current qualities of today's wallet and improve where it is possible so that can be replaceable with the digital wallet..

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